Court Moor School - caring to achieve
Court Moor School
Dates for your diary
Admission information
GCSE results
Ofsted summary report
Subject support and homework help
About Court Moor School and its wider community
Job vacancies at Court Moor School
How to contact the school
The School's Purpose
To ensure that all pupils fulfil every aspect of their potential - academic, social, physical, emotional, cultural, spiritual - and so equip them for life.
To develop as a caring community based upon values of mutual respect and self-discipline, which pupils and staff enjoy attending and of which parents and governors can be proud.
What's New?

Snow covers the playing fields
Opinions? Concerns?
We want to hear them!

Welcome to Court Moor's confidential electronic
suggestion box. Email us at
to let us know what you think.
Got something to say?
Money-raising opportunities:
Click here to go straight to Help My School Help My School
You can now raise funds for your school at over 50 shops on the internet. Its quick and easy and it won't cost you a penny. More ...
Spring Term 2004
Latest Newsletter plus Calendar of Events for Spring and Summer Terms now available.
Snow decorates the entrance to Court Moor School
Inset Day: Friday 13 Feb
Half Term: Mon 16 - Fri 20 Feb
End of Term: Thurs 1 April
Inset Day: Friday 2 April
Specialist School Status
The staff and governors of Court Moor feel that the time is now right for us to apply to become a specialist school in Science. More ...
Mr Shorey with Mr Kit Heasman, Headteacher at Calthorpe Park School
To accompany our bid we need to raise sponsorship of at least £50,000. How can you help?
Phil Riall - scuba lessons
Former pupil/current parent Phil Riall is offering free scuba lessons in return for a minimum donation. More ...
We need the help of parents and friends in "opening doors" for us with local companies or trusts. If you can provide introductions or let us have the names of those whom we could approach, please contact either the Headmaster, Mr Mabbott our Business Manager or Mr Ellis, the Assistant Head who is leading our bid-writing team.
Ladies' Night raises £1,381
All those who came along to the Ladies' Night organised by the Court Moor School Society last term will be delighted to know that 220 people attended and a massive £1,381 was raised!
Court Moor Centre for Continuing Education
Court Moor School Society Palace of Varieties
SPRING WOODS  FLEET  HAMPSHIRE  GU52 7TY  tel: 01252 615065  fax: 01252 624490
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