This section contains links to details about some of the courses that I took while at University.
Basic Counselling Skills - a community college course leading to an Open College Network Level 2 certificate
A NEBS Management Qualification taken as a part of the InsightPlus scheme
Initial Certificate in Teaching Basic Skills - a one-year teaching course taken with the City and Guilds
I attended a variety of sessions with the National Student Learning Programme, including Presentation Skills, Negotiation Skills, Accounting, Event Management, Meeting Skills, Time Management, Communication Skills and Learning Styles
Sign Language
I took a one-year course in Basic Sign Language at a local college, one year course leading to a
Stage 1 qualification from Council for the Advancement of Communication with Deaf People (CACDP)
Governor Services
I took a wide variety of training courses run by Hampshire County Council Governor Services
to support my work as a school governor. This
included training on understanding education and curriculum, performance management, effective
meetings, recruitment and interviewing, finance and personnel, Child Protection and accountability.
Last updated: 7 Apr 2007