Technical :: Software > bLADE GPS | ||||||||
Tracking software for a Windows Mobile phone which updates a central server
with my location in real-time, allowing me to provide a Google Maps-mashup
that shows where I am.
The initial background to this app is described in my blog. I wanted something that I could
use to provide a mobile, real-time equivalent of tracking services such
as dopplr or Plazes.
It is currently showing my location in a Google Map at dalelane.co.uk/whereami.
The client application
bLADE GPS is an application written in C# for Windows Mobile Pocket PC
It was written using the .NET 2 Framework and Smart Device
It is not a polished or finished application, and was written mainly as
a way to play with code for a number of different areas, such as:
It uses my PDA's integrated Wi-Fi to look for nearby access points,
comparing them against a list of known networks. For these networks,
I've included the location coordinates, which can be uploaded to the
This is enough for most of the places that I typically go (home, work,
my charity, family, friends, etc.) but if no known networks can be
I've written some very simple code to use my PDA's integrated GPS unit.
It basically reads data from the GPS unit's COM port, and performs
some pattern-matching to grab the coordinates from it, which can be
uploaded to the server.
If GPS is also unable to identify my location (if it cannot get a fix,
such as when I am indoors)...
Outlook calendar
It accesses my Outlook PIM to get the current appointment from my diary.
If the 'location' field for the current appointment includes a
recognisable location, this is uploaded to the server.
If it can find something that looks like a postcode in the location field,
I try and translate that into GPS coordinates using
streetmap.co.uk, using a URL that spoofs the form on
their website and searching for the coordinates in the page HTML that is
Prompt the user!
If all else fails, it prompts the user - providing a list of pre-defined
descriptions that I can flick through with the D-Pad (e.g. "shopping" or
"in Eastleigh"), but allowing me to overwrite it if I'm feeling descriptive!
In the absence of any reply, it just uses "Out and about" as a default.
The server application
The server-side scripts are written in PHP. One web-service-style
script accepts location updates from the Windows Mobile client and
stores them, and another script generates the Javascript needed to
display the stored updates in a Google Maps map.
Last updated: 1 Sep 2007 |
design: Dale Lane![]() ![]() |
Technical :: Software > bLADE GPS | ||||||||