Today, I was helping out with a Computing summer school for teachers in London.
As part of this, I gave a presentation about machine learning to a room full of school teachers – about what it is, why I think we should be introducing it in the classroom, and how I think we could do that.
My slides are on Slideshare, but they might not make a lot of sense by themselves, so I’ll jot down here roughly what I said.
This morning I want to talk to you about machine learning. In particular, I want to talk with you about machine learning in the context of education and how it could be introduced in the classroom.
I’m going to try and cover three main points.
Firstly, a quick level set on what I mean by machine learning.
Then I’d like to talk about why I believe it’s important that we do this.
Finally, I want to talk about the practicalities of how we could effectively introduce machine learning in an accessible way.