Archive for February, 2025

Using MirrorMaker 2 for simple stream processing

Thursday, February 13th, 2025

Kafka Connect Single Message Transformations (SMTs) and MirrorMaker can be a simple way of doing stateless transformations on a stream of events.

There are many options available for processing a stream of events – the two I work with most frequently are Flink and Kafka Streams, both of which offer a range of ways to do powerful stateful processing on an event stream. In this post, I’ll share a third, perhaps overlooked, option: Kafka Connect.


Running OpenMessaging benchmarks on your Kafka cluster

Monday, February 3rd, 2025

The OpenMessaging Benchmark Framework is typically used to benchmark messaging systems in the cloud, but in this post I want to show how useful it can also be for Kafka clusters that you run yourself in Kubernetes (whether that is using the open source Strimzi operator, or IBM’s Event Streams).


The OpenMessaging Benchmark Framework is a suite of tools that make it easy to benchmark distributed messaging systems.

As I’ve written about before (when illustrating the impact of setting quotas at the Kafka cluster level, and when adding quotas at the event gateway level), Apache Kafka comes with a good performance test tool. That is still my go-to option if I just want an easy way to push data through a Kafka cluster in bulk.

But – OpenMessaging’s benchmark has some interesting features that make it a useful complement and worth considering.

The benefit that OpenMessaging talk about the most is that can be used with a variety of messaging systems, such as RocketMQ, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, NATS, Redis and more – although in this post I’m only interested in using it to benchmark an Apache Kafka cluster.

More interesting for me was their focus on realistic workloads rather than relying on static data.

Quoting again from

Benchmarks should be largely oriented toward standard use cases rather than bizarre edge cases
