Archive for October, 2024

Event-driven tech at IBM TechXchange

Saturday, October 19th, 2024

This week, I’m at IBM TechXchange: our annual technical learning conference.

Our other big annual event Think has a business focus, but TechXchange is for technologists to advance their skills and expertise.

There are thousands of presentations, demos, workshops and hands-on labs to choose from, but naturally the most interesting ones will be about event-driven architectures and event stream processing technologies. 😉

In this post, I’ll share a few of our sessions from each day – if you’re at TechXchange this week, I hope to see you at some of these!


Analysing Wikipedia edits with IBM Event Processing

Monday, October 14th, 2024

In this post, I’ll share a demo I gave today to explain some of the processing nodes in the palette of IBM Event Processing.

I’ve found that demonstrations of Event Processing are easier to understand when I don’t need to explain the stream of events I’m processing in the first place. This means I’m always looking for interesting real-world event streams that are widely understood, as they can make for the most effective demos.

With this in mind, today I tried explaining a few of the Event Processing nodes by using them with a live stream of events representing pages that are being created and edited in the English Wikipedia.

Click on the image for a higher-resolution screenshot

Each event contains:

  • title of the page
  • who made the edit (user ID if logged in, or IP address if anonymous)
  • was this the creation of a new page, or an edit of an existing page?

Every edit on Wikipedia results in an event on the Kafka topic, so there are typically a few events a second. It’s not a super-high-throughput topic in Kafka terms, but there are enough events to try out interesting ideas.

Click on the image for a higher-resolution screenshot

Here are a few of the demos I gave today.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of what you could do with this data, but it was enough to let me show what the most commonly-used tools in the palette can do.


Analysing social media sentiment with IBM Event Processing

Thursday, October 10th, 2024

aka “Who wants a Mario alarm clock?”

In this post, I want to share a quick demo of using Event Processing to process social media posts.



A fun surprise from Nintendo today: they’ve introduced a new product! “Alarmo” is a game-themed alarm clock, with some interesting gesture recognition features.

I was (unsurprisingly!) tempted…

But that got me wondering how the rest of the Internet was reacting.

In this post, I want to share a (super-simple!) demo for how to look at this – using IBM Event Processing to create an Apache Flink job that looks at the sentiment of social media posts about this unusual new product.
