I spent a couple of evenings last month knocking together a quick example of a Windows GUI for the data you get from CurrentCost home electricity use monitors. And then promptly put it to one side and kinda forgot about it.
As a quick recap, I created a Windows app which grabbed the history data from the CurrentCost serial output, and drew a few bar graphs from it – to represent the hours, days, and months data. The app also persisted the history data in the user’s “Application Data” folder, so that older data is kept by the GUI even after it is lost by the CurrentCost meter itself.
I’m thinking about picking it up again, so spent a bit of time idea-storming what I could do with the code. These aren’t all my own ideas – they’re a random collection of ideas and notes taken from discussions with others. I’m posting them here for feedback – new ideas are welcome, as are comments on the usefulness of the stuff I’ve suggested.