Archive for August, 2010

What impact does SYA have on the community

Saturday, August 21st, 2010

Last week, some of the staff and trustees of Solent Youth Action had an Away Day for strategy and planning a-plenty.

In one of the morning activities, we were ideastorming in small groups. My group had to identify what impact SYA has on the community.

I kinda liked the list we came up with. As the work of ten minutes or so of ideastorming, it’s not definitive or official in any way. But I thought it warranted sharing.


Adjusting mobile web font-sizes to fit screen resolutions

Monday, August 9th, 2010

This might be obvious to someone less ignorant in the mystic ways of CSS, but I thought it was worth sharing anyway. 🙂

I was struggling to work out a suitable font-size for a mobile web page. Whether I tried using size names like “x-large”, or values with em, pt, px or %, the same basic problem remained:

CSS - not working

Font-sizes were either too small on smartphones with high-resolution screens, or too large on other smartphones.

If I increased the font-size to look better on a high-res screen, it was too big for other phones. If I decreased the font-size for those other phones, it looked tiny on a high-res screen.


Seven years at Hursley

Monday, August 2nd, 2010

Seven years ago this week, I started at IBM. Two years ago this week, I started my current job. Thought those were worth noting.

ETS cake

I joined IBM thinking it’d be for a couple of years to get training and experience before going to do something more fun at a start-up.

But seven years (four changes of jobs, three promotions, six changes of office and nine changes of manager) later, I’m still here and still loving what I do.