Walking to work

My commute changed a few weeks ago – from a short drive, to a cross-country walk. I had to return my company car as we don’t do them any more, and I chose not to replace it. So now I’m starting and ending my day with a walk.


I’m enjoying it so far. I realise I’m lucky to live close enough to work for this to be an option, but if you can do something like this, I would recommend it. A walk is a lovely way to start the day – I’m in a much better frame of mind to start work after a walk in. And any stresses and annoyances of the work day don’t seem as bad by the time I get home after a walk back.

My frenetic hyperlapse videos don’t really do a good job of capturing what the walk is like. It’s quiet. So quiet. For most of my journey, the only sound is the wind, bird and insect noises, and the crunch of my boots on gravel. Every day I walk past squirrels, butterflies, birds, cows, pigeons… most days I see a deer or two. The videos are fun, but you don’t really get a sense of that from them.

To be honest, this post was largely an excuse to play around with timelapse apps. My first attempt was a 28 second blur, and my second attempt bounced around so much it would make you sea-sick to watch. In my defence, some of those fields are pretty bumpy!

gpx file – in case you fancy giving the route a try for yourself

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