As I’ve started storing all of my project work and GTD notes in my Wiki program, I thought it might be a good idea to take regular backups of the text files it uses for data. And being a geek, I thought I’d automate it. 🙂
REM this makes the batch file less noisy - dont
REM output commands to screen
REM limit scope for environment variables created here
REM to within this batch file only
REM make a note of where the current directory is
REM so we can go back there afterwards
REM (useful when running this batch file manually)
REM run the 'date /t' command
REM this outputs in the format:
REM 19/11/2006
REM (probably different for people with non-UK regional
REM settings)
REM Using for to look at bits of date individually...
REM FOR /F ["options"] %variable IN ('command1') DO command
REM options -
REM tokens - identify which bits of the date output I want
REM (3 tokens - day month year),
REM delimiters - how they are separated ('/')
REM (users with non-UK regional settings might
REM need to change this - e.g. for '-')
REM command -
REM 1) date /t - show date without prompting to change it
REM 2) set - set environment variables to store each token
FOR /f "tokens=1-3 delims=/ " %%G IN ('date /t') DO (
REM set environment variables to store individual date values
REM (assumes date/month/year - users with non-UK regional
REM settings might want to switch date and month)
set dd=%%G
set mm=%%H
set yy=%%I)
REM this gives us a numeric date - in the format yyyyMMdd
REM which is useful in filenames for sorting
set TODAY=%yy%%mm%%dd%
REM go to first directory containing something to backup
REM tar it up, and move it to a backups directory
cd "C:\\Documents And Settings\\Administrator\\My Documents\\bLADE My Documents\\"
"C:\\cygwin\\bin\\tar.exe" -cvf %TODAY%_gtd.tar WM_Wiki_Pages
move %TODAY%_gtd.tar "..\\My Personal\\WMWiki Backups\\."
REM repeat as required
cd "C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\My Documents\\My Personal\\"
"C:\\cygwin\\bin\\tar.exe" -cvf %TODAY%_ref.tar "My WM Wikis"
move %TODAY%_ref.tar "..\\My Personal\\WMWiki Backups\\."
REM finished! go back to where we started
REM end scope for environment variables
Okay, so I’ve cheated… I’m using ‘tar’ from cygwin to package up and compress the backed-up files. But I couldn’t find a command-line way to access Windows zip, and I prefer tar files anyway.
Apart from that minor revealing of my UNIX roots, I think it’s quite a nice Windows solution for a free automated backup. I’ve saved this file to C:\bin\backupwikis.bat and have set up Windows Scheduled Tasks (go to Control Panel -> Scheduled Tasks) to run it at 11am every day.
is there a way to create a script changing the target path of my documents?