Posts Tagged ‘ota09’

Mobile Widgets – the new hotness?

Wednesday, October 21st, 2009

Over The Air was a month ago now, so this post has been sat in draft for way too long. But I thought it was still worth quickly sharing something noticeable from the event.

By way of quick background for those who aren’t familiar with it, it is an event for mobile developers – a couple of days filled with talks and presentations on all things mobile.

And this year, the big thing seemed to be widgets. There were a lot of talks on widgets. So many, in fact that you could choose a session in every time slot that was about widgets.


Push notifications for mobile apps

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

Update (1 Feb 2011): I’ve shared some better sample code for Android

Last weekend, I went to Imperial College for Over The Air: a conference for mobile developers.

I gave a talk at the event on how to write a mobile application that uses push notifications. It was pretty well received, so I’d thought I’d share it here, too.

I’ve made some notes below to cover roughly what I said at the event. Any comments or questions (or corrections if you spot any!) are very welcome. 🙂

Update (24/10/2009): I revisited this presentation to address some of the feedback that I got on battery life implications of using MQTT.
