Posts Tagged ‘dojo’

Implementing a text box for entering tags in a dojo web app

Sunday, August 19th, 2012

I needed a text box for entering tags on a dojo web app. I ended up making my own – it was only a hundred or so lines of code, but I’m sharing it here as it might be useful to others.

The text box needed to provide auto-complete when you start typing something that matches an existing tag. Dojo already has a text box widget that does auto-complete : dijit.form.ComboBox – so I started from there, modifying it’s behaviour so that

  • the options it offers are based on the current tag you’re typing (instead of the whole contents of the text box)
  • if you pick one of the options, it only replaces the current tag you’re typing with what you select (instead of replacing the whole contents)

See it in action in this short video clip.

Because I’ve based it on dijit.form.ComboBox, I also get a bunch of features for free, including that options it offers are based on the contents of a data store, which can be backed by a REST API.

This supports paging, which means my REST API doesn’t have to return all of the tags – just enough to populate the visible bit of the drop-down list. I’m using Lucene to implement filtering in the REST API, so it can quickly return a subset of tags that matches what the user has started typing. I don’t need to download everything and filter it client-side – it can be smarter and more efficient than that.

That said, this might be overkill for some needs – you can easily create a client-side store in memory, without needing to write a REST API to back it.


ETag header missing in HTTP No Content responses in Internet Explorer

Sunday, February 26th, 2012

If you’re one of that exceedingly rare breed who regularly check or subscribe to my blog, you probably want to give this post a miss. This one is more for people who find me through Google. A specific solution to a specific, geeky, problem.


First a little scene setting…

Server side

I have a REST API that uses ETags for, amongst other things, concurrency control. That is, the version of an entity is (opaquely) identified by an ETag. You need to specify that ETag when you try and make any changes to that entity. If someone else changes the entity before you do, your ETag won’t match, so your update will fail, and you won’t unintentionally roll-back their change.

The REST API returns no content (HTTP 204) in response to a successful PUT request to edit an entity, and includes the new ETag representing the version of the updated entity.

Client side

I have a Dojo web tool that uses xhr.put to submit edits to the REST API. In order to make further subsequent edits to an entity without reloading the page, it stores the ETag that it gets back in the response header after every PUT.

The problem

In short, Internet Explorer. 🙂
