Posts Tagged ‘nlp’

How to transcribe and analyse a phone call in real-time

Saturday, July 16th, 2022

In this post, I want to share an example of how to stream phone call audio through IBM Watson Speech to Text and IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding services, and show some ideas of what you could use this for.

Let’s start with a demo

That’s what I want to show you how to build.

At a high-level, this is what you will have seen in that video:

Faith made a phone call to a phone number managed by Twilio.

Twilio routed the phone call to me, and I answered the call.

We then started talking to each other. And while we were doing this:

Twilio streamed a copy of the audio from the phone call to a demo Node.js app

The Node.js app sent audio to the Watson Speech to Text service for transcribing.

Watson Speech to Text asynchronously sent transcriptions to the Node.js app as soon as they were available.

The app then submitted the transcription text to Watson Natural Language Understanding for analysis.

All of this – the transcriptions and analyses – were displayed on the demo web page.


Natural Language Processing – Stanford University

Friday, May 25th, 2012

I passed a course this week. For the last few months I’ve been studying a distance-learning course on Natural Language Processing taught by Stanford University lecturers, Professors Dan Jurafsky and Chris Manning.

Now I’ve finished I thought I’d share my experiences of doing the course, partly since they run these courses again so you may be considering doing one like it, in the future.

More importantly, because I’ve been working hard on this (Seriously. Blood, sweat and tears went into this.) so I’m damn well going to shout about it. 😉
