Posts Tagged ‘push notification’

Using MQTT in Android mobile applications

Tuesday, February 1st, 2011


How to receive push notifications using MQTT in an Android mobile application


I’ve written before about MQTT as a technology for doing push notifications to mobile. When I wrote that, I gave an example Android project. However, it was the first time I’d ever done Android development, and while it was an okay Java MQTT sample, it was a poor Android sample – I didn’t know anything about how Android works as a platform.

I’ve since written other Android MQTT apps, such as a hackday app for pushing updates from websites to your phone and learnt a lot about how to do it properly. Well… if not properly, at least a little better.

But Google is still directing people to my old, and probably unhelpful, sample. So it’s about time that I share something more useful.

I’ve put the full source for a sample implementation below. (Note that I’m using the Java J2EE client library from Hopefully the comments in it are clear enough, but here are a few of the key points.


Pushing, pulling, or leaving the door open

Saturday, October 24th, 2009

This weekend is barcamplondon, so another chance for me to ramble incoherently about a technical topic of my choice. 🙂

My presentation started as a bit of a cop-out. I was ill last week and weekend when I was planning to prepare a new presentation, so I decided to give the same talk I did at Over The Air last month and hope that I didn’t get any of the same attendees.

But then I started tweaking it to suit the different audience. Over The Air is an event for mobile developers, so my presentation was pretty much aimed at mobile devs, which wasn’t quite right for a general event like barcamplondon.

Then I started updating it to reflect the feedback I got, both on the day at Over The Air, and through comments and tweets since.

My talk at OTA was a technical “Introduction to MQTT” session.

My presentation for barcamplondon became a broader look at mobile apps that rely on data from the Internet, and the challenges and choices facing mobile app developers who write them.

And I think it’s better for it. I hope it didn’t come across as pimping MQTT. I still talked about MQTT, but this time it was to use it as an example of one of a broader set of choices:

The aim of the talk was to discuss the pros and cons of each approach.
