Posts Tagged ‘youtube’

Making YouTube (very slightly) more child-safe with a Firefox extension

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

Kids stuff on YouTubeOur six year old daughter, Grace, has lost interest in kids TV recently – she’s discovered the joys of YouTube!

She can happily spend a half-hour sat in front of the TV on Firefox (our TV set-up is a Linux-based media centre, so it’s proper Firefox with a keyboard and mouse) clicking from video to video.

I’m fine with this. It’s good: she’s getting more familiar with how to use a web browser, getting used to starting the browser, typing “youtube” into the address bar, using the search box to search for what she wants, using the ‘Back’ button to go back to the search results if it’s not what she wanted, and so on. This is all good stuff, let alone the fact that there is a lot of content on YouTube that is actually ideal for kids.


Well, she’s six. Not every video on YouTube is suitable for her. I’m not just talking about the stuff for over-18s. I don’t even want her to come across stuff with, for example, more swearing and violence – such as stuff that you might be happy to show a 12 year old.

The real solution to this is what we do now – she’s doing this in the sitting room on the TV, while we’re in the room watching stuff with her. I’m not saying I want to give her a laptop, send her up to her room, and say “here’s YouTube – off you go, have fun!”.

Even so, I wanted something to help out a little.


Flickr video vs YouTube

Sunday, May 4th, 2008

It’s my birthday today, and one of my presents was a Flickr subscription. How cool is that?! 🙂

There’s lots that I want to play with, but my first experiment with Flickr was to upload the same AVI video file that I uploaded to YouTube last week. I was curious to see the difference in picture quality between the two.

I’ve embedded them both below so you can see for yourself. This isn’t meant to be a representative or scientific test, but as first impressions go, I much prefer Flickr video. The interface feels cleaner, and the video quality is better.


Hello (video blog) World!

Thursday, January 3rd, 2008

Is 2008 going to be the year that video blogging takes off?

Not sure, but I’ve been watching people like Andy Piper and Chris Dalby (aka Yellowpark) start to play with Seesmic and it looks interesting. Services like this could encourage more of us other than the hardcore video bloggers like iJustine to give it a try. Scoble has been saying good things about Qik – which allows video blogging directly from your phone. Might this be a glimpse into how things might go?

At any rate, I thought I should try my first video blog post.
