I gave a talk at Kafka Summit London this year about Apache OpenWhisk. It was aimed at Kafka users who want to know what the serverless hype is all about.
I covered:
- a simple introduction of what serverless is for
- an introduction to some of the serverless platforms available
- a quick crash course in how to get started with Apache OpenWhisk
I also had a quick tangent looking into how Apache OpenWhisk itself uses Kafka internally, because I thought that was interesting!
My slides are on SlideShare if you’d like to see a higher-res version of any of them.
If this convinces you to give OpenWhisk a try, I have a post on how to get started with OpenWhisk that has all the commands you need to copy/paste to get yourself a working OpenWhisk environment connected to a Kafka source of events.
Tags: apachekafka, ibmeventstreams, kafka, openwhisk