Posts Tagged ‘portableapps’

Mobile computing… using USB keys

Wednesday, December 19th, 2007

071219-bagIt’s probably not a big shock to those who know me if I say that I have an interest in mobile computing.

But since getting a 1 GB USB key as a Thanks! Award last week, I’ve been playing with some alternative approaches to mobile computing that’s a bit different to my usual PDA, smartphone or laptop.

I’ve been setting up my USB keys for use when I want to do some work that isn’t best suited to a Treo, HTC Advantage or EEE PC. There’s nothing very new here, but I thought it might be interesting to share.

071219-usbkeyUbuntu on a USB stick

I’ve put Ubuntu (“Gutsy Gibbon”) on the 1 GB USB stick. It means I have a bootable drive with a full Linux installation that I can use on pretty much any computer. I’ve set up the preferences the way I like to work, and installed the apps I normally like to use for coding, Internet, and office work. Other than the (admittedly important) need for a processor, memory, keyboard, monitor and so on… it’s a full computer you can put in your pocket.


I.T. infrastructure for a growing charity… revisited

Monday, November 5th, 2007

I blogged back in the summer when I was starting to think about overhauling the I.T. infrastructure for my youth charity, Solent Youth Action. But I never actually came back to this to say what I went with in the end.

You can see the original post to see what we started with, but in short, it was fairly primitive.

I don’t think that we’re really finished yet, but here is where I’ve got to so far…
