As I’ve finally got my home server capturing the electric meter readings from the CurrentCost, I thought it’d be good to try doing something with it.
I want to start with something a bit different to graphs, because there’s already been a lot of cool work done in different graphing approaches.
As I wrote yesterday, I’ve got a MySQL database that is storing the watt reading from the electric meter captured once every six seconds.
I wondered whether it makes sense to try and turn these figures into a financial cost. It might be interesting (and useful as a behaviour-altering thing) if we could get a “bill” from the CurrentCost meter each day that told us how much we spent on electricity the last day.
+=============================================+ Your CurrentCost bill for 2008-5-27 Electricity usage 4.9802 units Cost == £0.4874 Standing charge £0.1582 --------------------------------------- TOTAL COST FOR 2008-5-27 : £ 0.65 +=============================================+
I’m not entirely sure of my maths here, but I thought it could be interesting to give it a try.