Posts Tagged ‘t-mobile’

Developing for Android

Wednesday, November 26th, 2008

I wrote an admittedly gushing post a few weeks ago about my first impressions of the new “Google phone”, the Android-powered T-Mobile G1. Now that I’ve had a few weeks to play with it, I thought I’d add a comment about some frustrations with it as a developer.

None of this is to retract what I said before – I still agree with what I said before. But it’s worth adding a couple of comments.

I’ve not written any code for Android yet, but I’ve had a couple of tentative looks into how I might. And in general, it seems to be a combination of being really impressed by the theory, followed by being frustrated by the practice.

This is perhaps best described with a couple of examples.



Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

As a true early-adopting mobile geek, I was one of the people in my local T-Mobile store last week on the launch day for the new Android phone, the G1.

I’ve had a few days to play with it now, so I thought I’d share my thoughts on it so far.

If you want a considered review which discusses specific features, it’s worth checking out Engadget, Ars Technica, or CNET. Rather than duplicate proper reviews like that, I thought I’d share a less coherent post of my feelings about the device. 🙂

In short, I don’t regret buying it. I like it. But I’m not sure I’d recommend it.

I’ll try and explain why…


Upgrading T-Mobile Ameo to Windows Mobile 6

Tuesday, December 4th, 2007

Wow. I really didn’t see this coming: T-Mobile offering upgrades for Windows Mobile phones.

After months and months of “no”, “we can’t do that”, “we won’t be doing that”, and “no, that’s not a good idea”, they started making Windows Mobile 6 upgrades available! Either they sneaked this out quietly, or I just completely missed the lead-up to it (to be honest, entirely possible). First I heard was when Jason Langridge blogged about it yesterday.

I upgraded my HTC Advantage last night, and have been playing with Windows Mobile 6 for a day now.

It’s very sweet.
