Posts Tagged ‘gtd’

Bye bye, Outlook

Thursday, October 29th, 2009

As a major GTD nerd, it’s a temptation to constantly tweak and tinker with my personal productivity systems.

But I normally resist. This week, I’ve had a major overhaul, so thought I’d share what I’ve been doing and some of my reasons why.

I should mention that I nicked a lot of these ideas from Gareth, so big thanks to Gareth!

Why the change?

There were a number of reasons that motivated this.

Part of it was because I’m switching from mainly using Windows Mobile phones to my new shiny Palm Pre.

Part of it was a desire to move my main workstation from Windows XP to Ubuntu, after seeing so many friends and colleagues rave about it, hearing an inspiring talk on Linux from Bob Sutor, and getting so much abuse from people I’m too polite to name 😉


It’s Christmas!

Friday, December 21st, 2007

It's Christmas-time!

Wow, that’s not a sight I see very often.

No upcoming meetings. An empty inbox. A task list under control (well… more or less!).

It can only mean one thing – it’s time to eat, drink and be merry.

Merry Christmas everyone!