Posts Tagged ‘yahoo’

Fire Eagle Guest Pass

Sunday, May 10th, 2009

Imagine you are in a town or city. Perhaps one which you are unfamiliar with.

You’ve arranged to meet someone, and want to help them find you.

They’re not a close friend or family member, so you don’t want to sign up with something like Google Latitude which feels like quite a long-term thing for people who want to always be able to see where you are.

You don’t want to have to ask them to sign up for some new service like Fire Eagle just to find you.

Maybe they’re a client coming to meet you for a meeting. You want to help them find you, but you’re not sure that you want them to be able to see where you go after the meeting, or what pub you go to that evening.

This is the sort of thing that “Fire Eagle Guest Pass” – my hack entry for Open Hack London 2009 – was written for.

I’ve put together a few pictures to explain what it does on slideshare. They’re not exactly fine art, but hopefully they explain the idea 🙂


A plea to Upcoming

Sunday, December 16th, 2007

Upcoming doesn’t seem to like me very much at the moment. Not sure why… I’ve tried emailing them (several times!) but no reply. I thought I’d try putting something here to see if anyone knows why, or can suggest what I can do to fix it.

I’m not sure how long my Upcoming account has been broken… cos it all looks fine to me. Look – this is what I see when I logon:

screenshot of upcoming

Look – see? I can logon fine. I can see my upcoming (no pun intended) events, and those from my friends. I can see recent comments, changes and news from friends… all looks fine.

So what’s the problem?

This is what everyone else is seeing

screenshot of upcoming

User account not found? But… how? Why can’t you find me? 🙁

It doesn’t end there…



Sunday, December 9th, 2007

Yesterday was PlugLondon – a developer meetup held at Skype’s offices in London.

It was different to the geek meetings I’ve been to before… for one thing, I didn’t bring a laptop or write a line of code!

The focus was slightly different – the idea seemed to be to bring together developers with companies who produce API’s. People came from a variety of tech companies (such as PayPal, eBay, skype, BBC, Yahoo!) to give presentations on the API’s that they are responsible for, either to introduce it or explain some interesting or novel technical aspect. I’ve played with many web services and APIs, but I definitely learnt a few things.

It was a chance for them to get feedback on their API’s from the developers that they’re trying to encourage to use them. It was very interactive – they seemed keen to find out who had tried the API’s, what people thought of them, what people would like to see added or changed, and so on.
